Two of the most frustrating things in the world:

1. Spending an hour writing a blog, only to have it erased. (Just happened)

2. Spending three hours and tons of energy to walk a stubborn cow with big horns 3 miles to be butchered. (Some of us nearly died, but it was worth it. That’s part of becoming a man right?)

Here’s an update on the rest of my life:

Sorry I haven’t written a blog in a while. Aaron, Traday (a new member of team ignite), and I recently traveled to Cape Town for a short vacation. We flew down and Tom and Cindy Sipling, who team Beloved stayed with for the month, picked us up.

A short paragraph dedicated to the Siplings:

Tom and Cindy Sipling moved to Cape Town, South Africa about two years ago by the prompting of Holy Spirit. Tom had been a youth pastor in the states for several years and God began to change his wreck his mind and heart. This occurred thru many hours spent on the porch exploring the heart of God. Since then Tom and Cindy have become free spirited, relaxed, way easy going, new people altogether.

Back to the story… Cape Town is gorgeous! It was incredible. The Siplings’ home has a nice back patio that overlooks the ocean. The sunsets are beautiful, the sunrises are beautiful, the daytime was also beautiful. By the way, Cape Town is beautiful. It was a great time relaxing with the Siplings, Aaron, and Traday.

Recently the World Race teams have gotten back together to learn from Gary Black and Andrew Shearman, who’s been in town for the past 5 days or so. It’s been a tremendous blessing for me to learn from them. They spent most of their lives searching for someone to pour into them like they have for me. And I only recently decided to live life to the fullest, to see the kingdom come on earth rather than living for the kingdom after death.

I am forever grateful for the work Gary has done on me in recent weeks. He’s taught me how to live life fully alive. Not so much by words as much as everything else, which includes sitting with him on his porch talking, following him around, and eating dinner with him at his table. This is the greatest gift anyone’s ever given me. He’s showing me how to live Kingdom on earth; how to die every day so that I can experience life to the fullest.

I recently got baptized by Andrew Shearman, my dad’s mentor. I’ve been realizing more and more how different my life is, it’s like a second salvation. I was saved before, but not really living.
Before getting baptized I was thinking about Col. 2, which talks about baptism as a sort of burial of the old with Christ and rebirth of the new. I wanted to remember this moment, to mark it as best I could. So I asked Shearman to hold me under for a while so I could think about it.

That’s all I’ve got time for.