Matt and I were to get a new roommate. “Luke is his name,” they told us. “And he’s a freshman.” We came back to the dorm after a weekend in South Bend at Matt’s house and met someone in the hall.

“Hey Seth, you know your new roommate is the son of your dad’s roommate in college?” Wow! I thought. What kind of a strange coincidence is that! I couldn’t believe it. I went to investigate for myself. Luke Larson (pictured right) was his name. I questioned him, then I called my dad. Yup, it was the same guy.

Luke and I never became really good friends. We talked every now and again and were polite toward each other. All seventy people in my dorm at Taylor University – Swallow Robin – were like family. And now Luke was adopted in. I found out that his parents were missionaries in Thailand and that he had lived there for a few years. That was about it.

I graduated after that semester and haven’t spoken with Luke again. ‘Funny coincidence,’ I thought. The Lord must have just wanted to give us a laugh over it.

This morning I went to church with some of my teammates to a place called The Well (a ministry to prostitutes in Bangkok). Eight of us went and got their a little early. I went to the restroom before proceding up the steps to the location of the church service. Upon arrival I saw that a Thai Bible was set on the last open seat next to my teammates, so I started a new row.

A few minutes later a caucasion lady walked into the row behind me and sat down. “Hello,” she said, and small talk ensued. Yes, I love Thailand. This is my third time in Bangkok. I’m with the World Race. We just spent a month in Cambodia.

Her turn. Oh really? I believe there were two other World Race teams to come through here. Great bunch of young people.

Then it got interesting.

“You know, my husband Jim was roommates with Seth,” she said.

“Now way! Then I was roommates with your son! I’m Seth Jr.”

They see Luke once a year at best. Maybe God put all that together so that I could bless them with a conversation about their son in college.