First, we want and need to say “thank you!” to those of you who have stepped out in faith to support us thus far.  We truly cannot do this without your prayer and financial support.  For those who may not already know, we need many people to commit to pray for us daily.  In addition, to cover our expenses for the entire 11 months, we need a grand total of $28,600 ($14,300 for each of us).  This is amount is broken down to averages of $3.50 a day for food and $2.00 a day for lodging.  The rest is for plane tickets and other travel costs. 

A few blessed racers become fully funded before they even depart on the first day, but most have to continue raising support while out in the field.

Our support account reached $8,000 in a relatively short period of time!  We are now on a new threshold: We need to have a certain level of support before we can get on the plane to depart as planned with our July squad.  Specifically, the deadline that AIM has given is to have at least $10,000 in our account by June 14th.  If we don’t have at least $10,000 by that point, we will not leave on the July Race.

We know that $2,000 is a lot of money to be raised in a short period of time, but more importantly we know that this amount, even the entire $28,600, is nothing to God.  We have seen Him do even greater things in shorter periods of time and we’ve seen Him bring people together in remarkable ways.  We firmly believe that God wants us to go on this trip and our training camp experience confirmed in many ways that this July group is the group to which we belong.

Our July Squad FamilyPhotobucket

We challenge you to ask yourself: Does God want you to support us?  Is He calling you to pray?  Is He calling you to give?  Is He calling you to spread the word to others about our needs?  We can’t tell you what His plan is for you in this ministry, but we callenge you to seek the answer for yourself.  There’s no guilt, no pressure, and no expectations from our end; we just want you to be honest before God, and He’ll guide you.

$30 a month may not seem like much, the cost of an average restaurant meal for two, but it will go a long way in the mission field.  One-time donations of $10 may seem like nothing, but it’s what’s in your heart that matters.  If God is calling you to give, then whatever He puts on your heart to give is a blessed gift.  Our standards of signifcance don’t matter!

We have faith that God will provide and we are excited to see just how and when He will provide!

God bless all of you who want to be a part of our journey by following this blog.  You can expect to hear more specifics from the training camp experience soon!