So, support. That dirty word that no one really likes to hear, because it generally translates to “please please please give me money.” Well, let me be the first to say that this is not that kind of support blog.

So, we’ve felt a fair amount of pressure to do things like this. Things like saying “by giving up only $20 a month – that’s only one dinner out per month – you can support international missions.” And I am not at all against saying things like that. I’ve said them in this blog before. But I feel that for this deadline, God is just calling me to trust in Him. He will provide the money according to His will.
Now, obviously I am still writing a blog talking about money. And I’ve posted a few facebook updates. I’m not opposed to letting people know “Hey this is the need. It would be nice if you could give. Thanks.” I just won’t cajole, manipulate, beg, or cleverly phrase things to make you more apt to give me your money.
So here is the need. We need to be at $16,000 before September 30th, or we will be sent home. We are currently at $13,346. Thank you to the anonymous donor of $2,000. That means we need about $2,650 to meet the goal. If you feel led to give, you can do so by clicking the “Support Us” tab to the left of our blog page. If you don’t feel led, we appreciate your prayers, and thanks for keeping up with us. We love you all!