I’m sitting here, trying to think of something deep and touching to say about financially supporting Seth and me on the World Race, and nothing is coming to me. For those who haven’t heard yet, Seth and I have a support raising deadline. We have to have $16,000 total before October 1st, or we will be sent home. We currently are at $11,000. 

We’ve never raised such a large amount of money in such a short amount of time. We are just trusting that whatever happens is God’s will. Even if we are sent home, we have learned and grown so so much just in the past 2 months. Truly, it would have taken years for me to come to some of the realizations I’ve had on the race. For Seth as well. 

I don’t want to try to gimmick or guilt or bribe people into supporting us. If God has laid it on your heart to give, then He’ll convict you. I pray that those who are convicted will give, and those who aren’t, won’t. 

If you do give, you’ll be support ministries like the one we’re going to on Monday! We’ll be in Romania, in… Teshaboo…. Tanshee…something with a T. It’s in western Romania, close to the Hungarian border. We’ll be living with our ministry contact in his house (with him, his wife, and 3 kids!). There’s a rumor that there will be hot water!!! We’ve never had a ministry place with hot water before. Also, there may be internet. We’ve been crazy blessed with awesome places to stay so far on the race. We’ll be working in an after school program with under privileged children, and other miscellaneous ministries during the day. As an interesting side note, we will be close to Dracula’s Castle.

Monday we are flying from Dublin to Budapest, Hungary, and then taking a train from there to this T place. Please pray for safe travels, as there is a lot of theft from American targets in Budapest. I love you all, and please feel free to e-mail us with prayer requests, things happening in your life, or just news from the states! We’re pretty disconnected from everyday happenings.