Unfortunately, we have been facing some medical situations within the past week. Please join me in praying! 


  • A few of my team members have been feeling unwell, due to allergies and the excessive smoke in the air. Pray for their health and rejuvenation! 
  • My teammate, Claire, struggles with some lung issues. The smoke has really affected her and she has been having problems with her breathing.
  • I developed some sort of eye infection close to a week ago and I haven’t seen much improvement. Even after visiting a few local clinics, I have lost all vision in my right eye. 


On this note, we will probably be arranging a visit to the international hospital a few hours away from here within the next day or so. Claire and I would be going, and although neither of us are panicking right now (thankfully!), we want to get rid of any issues before they actually become emergencies. 


Please pray that we would have wisdom in these situations and that we would see God’s healing hand on each one of us! He’s already here, it’s just up to us to give up control and have faith in His power!