The day has come.  Today I leave for Africa!!  Much has happened in my time of preparation and now it’s time to step out and go.  I want to thank all of you who have supported me financially and prayerfully as I have prepared for this journey.
  With out your love and support this may not have been possible.
  I will update this bolg as much as possible, probably 3-4 times a month.
  Any words of encouragement, prayers, and thoughts that you message me over the year will be a huge encouragement.
  I will miss you all.


Finance update.
  I needed $6,500 in cash to start the journey.
  I currently have $7,500 and $500 dollars in pledges.
  Praise God.
  Thank you all for your contributions!!
 Through many of you God has provided for me and I believe God will provide for me over the upcoming year.
  I have about 5-6 months to raise the remaining balance so that I may be able to finish the trip.
  I need $5,500 in all! 


Itinerary update for the year;


South Africa




(November and December)


Latin America ( Peru?)

Latin America ( Nicaragua?)

Latin America ( Mexico?)

here we come!!!!