The .  Gary Black, who is one of our leaders is speaking at it today at 1:00 pm in Las vegas.  I am FIRED UP, FIRED UP!  Pray for our generation and for this gathering!  Whatch it live today 10-20-07 on God TV   < just click.  You will need to register but it’s free and safe!

Something is coming, Something is at the door step- and it smells of GOD!

Visit Gary Blacks Bog to read more about him  and his dream at:

TheCall is a movement emphasizing prayer, worship and fasting for Spiritual breakthrough.   It is a nameless and faceless movement joining the generations.

TheCall Institute exists to equip, disciple and commission an emerging generation of radical Nazirites to prepare the way of the Lord by embracing a lifestyle of prayer and fasting that is energized by intimacy with Jesus.

In this historic hour of human history, God is raising up a new breed of young men and women who refuse the status quo of religion and seek to explore new heights in God. In the days of old, this holy breed was called the Nazirites. With lifestyles based in prayer with fasting, Nazirites frequently surfaced in the darkest hour of Israel’s history. They emerged as voices that challenged the waywardness of Israel and awakened the nation back to the Lord.

The Nazirite lifestyle is not something reserved for the select few or the elite. It is a summons extended to anyone and everyone that will heed its invitation. Indeed, the Nazirite call gives permission to the most “ordinary” among us to enter into the radical devotion of the forerunners (Luke 1:15-17). Today, it serves as a call to be abandoned to the Lord and His purposes.