This e-mail was sent to me a few days ago from a friend
who lives in the UK…it resonated with something in my spirit;

“Florence was really beautiful. We also headed to Rome for
a few days. Here in the UK, we’re surrounded by buildings and churches that are
over a 1000 years old – we’re comfortable with the notion that something
designed and built a millennia ago is still here. It was something else to
visit buildings like the Pantheon and the Coliseum; built 2000 years ago and
realize that in comparison what buildings we have are actually quite young. We
do have some ruins and mosaics from early AD near where I live but they are
nothing in comparison to what Rome possesses either in scale or in number. I
couldn’t quite get my head around the idea that maybe the early Christians and
even Paul, might have known about and possibly visited these buildings (and for
some Christians, the Amphitheatres of Europe would have been their final
resting place).” 

It’s amazing how some foundations seem to stand the test
time!  And others don’t!  Makes me think of the foundations in my
life… what’s foundations have been poorly established or not!??  Things as simple as how I love my
parents! Or common courtesy, a foundation I’m grateful my parents taught
me!  It seems, at least in the
western culture, that we desire instant gratification.  Certain qualities seem to lack.  It extends into music, art, skill, way
of life, or even how we build out homes! 
We live in a fast paced franchised culture.  However I do believe there are still clear remnants of
quality in every facet of life! 
One of the blessings in having older parents, father 73 mother 58, is
they have helped me to gain an appreciation for art and music! It’s why I love
blues music so much!! =)

Someone may have had the seemingly mundane job of laying
bricks everyday… but what if they were actually a privileged few?  What if it was actually a rare
opportunity to lay those bricks? What if they had the perspective to know that
they weren’t just laying bricks, but that they were building a Cathedral or
Coliseum.. A structure of beauty and excellence that would stand the test time
and ages to come!

What is your Coliseum? 
I’m not trying to be cheesy… but the correlation isn’t that big of a
stretch!  Or are you just laying
Bricks?  Sometimes I feel like I’m
just laying bricks!  Since about
three years ago my perspective has been changing… and I like what I’m seeing!  I’m not perfect but it feels like a
privilege, and I’m getting better at seeing the bigger picture!

I’m learning that if it can be shaken it will be!  I desire such unshakable
foundations!  I want a foundation
of HOPE that nothing could shake! A foundation of LOVE that nothing could
break! Faith… Passion…Wisdom and on and on…….!