Africa! We have arrived! This journey began with an interesting start. I left Washington on April 4th to fly to Georgia to meet the rest of my 28 teammates. I arrived in Atlanta at 11:30 am. Our flight was scheduled to leave a 6:30 pm the same day. After many hours of anticipation to catch our plane to Africa we went to British Air checkin. At check in we were told that we could not board. The site of 30 missionaries coming through check in aroused the manager’s curiosity of British Air. After looking over the shoulders of the check in clerks and many questions, he told us we could not board unless we could prove we were leaving Africa at some point. To make a long story short there was a miscommunication between our travel agent and the airlines, all of which should have been caught by the airlines prior to our arrival. We were not allowed to board. After being in contact with the Adventure in Missions base in Gainesville Georgia we were picked up by a bus and went back to base until we could sort out the logistics of how we would get to Africa. By Gods grace half of us flew out the next day and the rest of the team flew out the following day. I was among the people that flew out on the last day. The whole process of missing our flight was a blessing in disguise. It felt like coming home when arriving at the base in Georgia. I recharged during those 2 days; spiritually, emotionally, and physically, and after 2 additional days of travel I find myself in Swaziland Africa.

This place is made up of such beauty and tragedy. I still can’t believe I’m here. Words can’t express what it feels like to be in Africa and It’s hard to grasp that this country has more people infected with aids than any other place in the World! I’m so thankful to be here! We met 40 other World racers that started their journey 5 months ago in South America. They have been in Africa for one month doing various ministries, much of which was done in Mozambique. We all have joined together to train and learn more of how to be a better servant for those we come to serve. In 3 days we will all part in our family teams made up of six people and go to various countries in Africa doing various ministries. Some teams will go to South Africa while others will stay in Swaziland and work in the orphanages and hospitals with abandoned orphans who are victims of Aids, others will go to Madagascar. The possibilities are endless of where I’ll be in 4 days. The founder of AIM and his family, other full time missionaries and their families, and various people who live in Africa and work with AIM have also joined use in our time of preparation. It’s an exciting time, very real and sobering. Please pray for us!

When we part we will leave in a team of 6-12 people. We will be in a set country for the next month at least. I will update you all as soon as I find out were I’ll be. I’m not attached to any country or any specific ministry I’m just so thankful to be here. I’m so thankful for every single one of you. Thank you for your support in all forms. And to my Mother and Father, I love you both will all my heart and miss you very much. I’m fine and safe. God has me in His hand and it’s good, so very sweet and good!

The internet is very limited. But I can’t wait to share more of what has been happening.  I will posting pictures soon.  With all my love I send this and with hope and prayers I seal this letter. Thanks for reading!
