Last weekend my youth group at my church participated in a Disciple Now.  It was a great experience for the kids as well as all the adults involved.  We had 4 college students come in to Memphis to serve as the leaders for the small groups.  3 were from Belmont in Nashville, TN and one went to school out in San Angelo, TX. The theme of our weekend was “Here and Now”.  The kids learned how to live in the now for Christ and what they could do here in their church, school, and city for others.  This video is just a small example of all the fun these youth had.  They participated in a mission project in an inner-city part of Memphis collecting cans to help fill up the food pantry in an urban neighboorhood.  They went through an “Amanzing Race”  scanvenger hunt which took them in “taxis” all around the city of Memphis searching for specific places using the various clues they were given.  This was a great weekend filled with lots of laughter, growth, and teaching.  I love all these kids deeply and will miss them terribly while Im gone for the next year, but I know that by the time I come back home they will have grown even more into the young men and women that God made them to be.