As I sit here indian style with the computer on my lap, a little boy named Alex hides his face in my armpit and interferes with my typing. His fingers keep wandering to the keyboard and I have to keep fixing the words. These three sentences have taken me 10 minutes to type, and I can’t even remember what I was going to write.

We are getting ready for church, and I am able to type because I have no real responsibilities as far as the service goes, although every time I think that, somehow I end up in front and sharing my opinion.

This morning I hung out for awhile with Glenn, went for a walk and talked about all kinds of things. Our discussion ranged from marriage and missions all the way to what his heritage means to him. Glenn is a ‘completed’ Jew, and when Chad used the term it was the first time I had ever heard it. I guess it means the same thing as a Messianic Jew. We talked about religion and how Jews have been viewed around the world.

I grew up in a mostly (98%?) white town. Mostly blue collar catholic. I grew up in a baptist church and somehow along the lines had some racist thoughts through junior high and high school. I am not sure even where I learned it, but in the mix, somehow I thought it was ok to tell jokes about other races and beliefs. I also believed for the most part that catholics, jews, methodists, and every other belief was going to hell.

It was at Liberty that it was made clear to me that the Jews really are God’s chosen people, that I worship a Jew, and the blessings and curses are real. I believe those that bless God’s chosen people are blessed by God, and that people are blessed simply by being friends with His people, the descendants of Abraham. Check it out in Genesis, Noah’s blessings and God’s promises to Abraham.

I also believe that those of us who are truly following Jesus live in this blessing. This is random out of my head, I am not looking in the bible right now, but I believe somewhere Jesus talked about the heart and who are truly sons of Abraham. So on this line of reasoning, those that bless us will be blessed and those that curse us will be cursed?

As we walked along, we bumped into a few aquaintances of Glenn’s. People who Glenn tries to share God’s love with, but for some reason or another are a little off in the head. Glenn says there are random ex-yanks hanging out down here, hiding from their past in the states. Hippie types, guys with bald heads and pony tails. One of these guys started in on the bad that all religions have in common, and why don’t people just love each other. That all religions are the same and that the religions just make life harder for people. That what matters is love. He said he believes in evil, and knows he is not perfect, but he is trying and knows he has to battle evil every day. He felt he was speaking the truth and was doing a good job in life, and was ready to die, he is ready to meet his maker.

When I asked if he ‘was saved’ (a term I hate, but always gets a reaction: either hostility or a big grin), I said “yeah, are you friends with Jesus?”, he turned hostile and said he hates the bible and doesn’t need religion. I said “you are so close to so much, but in your battle against Satan you are deceived and you are not ready to die, that if you died today you would go to hell.”

We talked a little more, and I asked if we could just pray together. He was hesitant, but picture a bald guy with a pony tail, white guy from the states, big arms and belly, about 40 years old and my height- so it wasn’t a little guy that was just intimidated- but said sure. I said just listen to the words I pray. I prayed for blessing and love and for truth in his life, which he agreed with. I prayed that he would hunger for absolute truth in this life and that God would lead him to the truth. (he agreed) Then I said “in Jesus name, amen”. I looked and his eyes were a little teared up, he said “that’s what I am talking about, that is what prayer should be!”.

I said, then study Jesus, study the bible, because that is what this is all about. God’s love.

As I walked away, Glenn was excited. Glenn has talked to this guy alot, the guy loves to talk about how much he knows, but this must have been different, I haven’t asked Glenn any more about the guy because we had to go, but I think Clarence is in for a whole new world. Please pray for Clarence. (umm… about the being off in the head, I meant someone else.)