This question was for the final piece of the pie.  As usual, my ‘Trivia’ team was way ahead and talking trash.  We always kept the same teams, and my team almost always won (we cheated).  Usually the game would start with our team making a promise not to cheat this time (we mostly meant we promised to try harder to not get caught), and because one of my buddys had a girlfriend on the other teams we could almost always convince them to play again. 

The games usually ended with an argument, but this time we had made it, playing for the win.  The question came up- something along the lines of “what are cherubim and seraphim?”.  I didn’t have to cheat this time, I knew the answer and shouted out “ANGELS!”  For the win!  Of course, everyone thought we cheated and I got made fun of for being baptist- but as a baptist (which I’m not) we are used to it.

I guess that also summed up all I knew about angels at the time, and I hardly know much more now, but there has always been a joke that I run my angels ragged.  I have even apologized to them before.

In Bill Johnson’s book, “The Supernatural Power of a Transformed Mind”, he writes about Jacob’s Ladder.  (I remember playing the song on my Yamaha recorder, but it sounded more like someone stepping on a mouse)  Johnson says this ladder shows the connection between the Open Heaven and Earth.  He says angels ascend when they have completed an assignment and descend when they are on their way to carry out a supernatural task.  Their job is to bring the reality of God’s rule into situations which afflict and torment humans.  Angels are what God uses to work on earth. (my understanding)

Johnson adds on a sidenote “I’m convinced that many angels have been waiting around for decades for Christians to live the risk filled lifestyle God expects of us.”   “A lifestyle without risks has little need for angelic assistance.” 

Now after reading this, I realize- no need to apologize to my angels (do we have specific guardian angels?), and in fact most of the christians I know need to apologize for nearly boring their angels to death.  (how many times do the angels hear excuses ‘it sounds a little dangerous to me’, or arguments over doctrine “do you believe in the rapture?” or “its not in the budget”, how much does an angel cost, hourly rate, anyway?) 

That was fun.  Anyway, I hope my angels got good and warmed up from rescuing me from my own stupidity, and are ready to do some cool stuff!