Hi!!! I hope everyone is having the best day! Here is some exciting things:
My first semester at UAB is going so good well! It was immensely overwhelming at first but I’ve settled in well and I’m learning a lot!
22 in a couple months and it’s CRAZY!!! My friends and I are going to Colorado to celebrate! After that I have my sisters wedding in LA and then I’m heading out to Indy, see ya AL!
I’ve recently been participating in this program at my church that feeds the homeless every other Saturday night and it’s been so fruitful. I love seeing how Jesus moves in people‘s lives. I’m even more grateful he is always a source of hope and encouragement. He‘s really been speaking rest over my life lately which is a really beautiful thing and a really hard thing at the same time. I encourage you to make space for Jesus everyday. I often sit in silence with him and that’s when I hear the most.
PS I’m dating a total hunk with a real cute kid and I couldn’t be happier! You never know what’s around the corner and although I definitely didn’t see a relationship..really didn’t see a 3 year old but I see Jesus in it more than ever.