All of my blog posts are pretty serious–so I decided to switch it up a little and share a funny story that happened to me this week! I am all about some laughs, even if its people laughing at things that happened to me, so I hope y’all enjoy this!

Personally, I am very into cleansing my face, I love smooth skin and try my best to keep it clear as much as I can. Occasionally,I like to try different face scrubs and masks, so I had bought a watermelon face mask at Target and I was excited to try it (I don’t do masks often) I went home started putting in all over my face, not reading the instructions. So I left it on the appropriate amount of time and my face is very stiff at this point, including my eyebrows, but I really didn’t think anything of it. So when I go to peal the mask off…my eyebrow starts coming off with the mask. Yes, my eyebrow is pealing off with this mask. Of course I immediately grab what it came in and start looking for the “warning” section, the directions clearly state “DO NOT APPLY TO EYEBROWS: MAY RESULT IN REMOVAL OF BROWS” So I grab my phone, call my friend and am telling her that I’m not going to have eyebrows, go into my mothers room (who is asleep) and start tapping her and telling her to wake up that I have an emergency. She comes in the bathroom and I show her that my eyebrow is is halfway off my face. We run some warm water over it, problem solved, as long as I didn’t keep pealing It wasn’t going to come off! Praise the Lord! So I think we all can learn something here:
1). Always read instructions, even when you think you don’t need to.
2). Savannah needs to plug in her brain, I mean come on, common sense says don’t put it on your eyebrows!
3). There is a slight heart attack that comes with thinking your eyebrows are going to come off.


Be sure to stay tuned (look at me using a t.v. Voice and what not) for “Don’t Fall, That Would Hurt” coming Thursday!!