Sri Lanka! has been one of those months I wish I could re-live because so much happened. But there is also a part of me that is glad it is over haha. 

My co-leader, Alysa, and I traveled to 10 different cities in the 3 weeks we were in Sri Lanka. It consisted of numerous tuk-tuk rides, 38 hours on trains, 10+ different beds we laid on and such. 

God laid on our hearts to have intention and purpose for healing and freedom, specifically for the women of the squad – which included the two of us. We did not think this journey of traveling to all four female teams in 2 weeks was realistic but his voice was clear and strong.

The time has been a continuation of our naked offering before the Lord and claiming his victories for us and finding a greater love for Jesus. 

We dove into our identities as God’s Holy Temple and as His Church. We talked about sin, we confessed to one another, prayed for each other, walked through grieving and forgiving. We prayed for guidance in our next steps in the action of repentance. We created space to talk about sexual sin and its effect and consequences in our lives.

As Alysa and I shared these same general topics with each team, God revealed more and more to us each time. Words God gave for each team were the depth of trust, a journey of repentance, unchanging identity, be ministered by God and togetherness in fellowship. At first, I thought they were just for the specific teams that we visited but the words actually built upon each other to create a deeper understanding of repentance in the midst of the body with God as the Minister.

And with each visit to the four teams, as we shared and walked through the journey together, God revealed new things to me each time. People I needed to forgive, sins I needed to repent of, new ways to move forward. Ask and it will be given to you. This was true every time. I’m so grateful that my God has no limits and His grace is unending. Where sin abounds, grace abounds more. Every sin I confessed made room for more grace in my life. 

Another beautiful and encouraging experience was the insight and wisdom God revealed through the women on each of the teams. What a beautiful thing Church is, especially when we come into a place of trust, vulnerability and love.