Hey there!
I’m so glad you’ve stopped by! Seriously, it makes my heart so happy!
First and foremost, I am a daughter of King Jesus and am doing my best to pursue His specific call on my life and live in the abundant place of being loved by Him. I am a recent graduate of Georgia College with my Bachelors in Nursing and am officially a Registered Nurse.
I hope to one day pursue full time medical missions and am praying that my time on the Race better defines what that looks like. What an incredible opportunity to see what full time ministry looks like on the field!
Other things I love include coffee, animals, chasing sunsets (whether they be across town or across the world) & expressing my thoughts in way too long Instagram captions.
Here is your invitation to come along side and join me. I hope you’ll stick around and follow this journey. The easiest way to do that is to hit the “subscribe” button under my name!