One of the worst-kept “secrets” of the World Race happens at the end of month four.  New squad leaders are raised up to replace the alumni squad leaders after month five.  Along with this transition come team changes – the teams we were given at training camp are disbanded and new ones are created.

Why?  Well, AIM has a few reasons.  The first is purely logistical – when the three new squad leaders are removed from their teams, the dynamic changes.  Second, a new community will challenge us as racers to grow.

We all knew changes would occur at Month Four Debrief, and were are anxiously waiting the announcement.  On Thursday the time came, but instead of announcing the teams to the squad the way they did at training camp, we were each handed an envelope and instructed not to open it just yet.  Then, we were informed that the team leader’s envelope would have everyone’s name, but every else’s envelope would only have the name of their leader.  So much suspense, and all before noon.

Finally, at long last, we could open the envelopes but not move towards our new team until given the signal.  I tore open mine to find one name: Racquel.  Now I was really dying to know who else was on my team, and as soon as we were allowed, I jumped up from where I was sitting.  All across the room the teams were beginning to come together, and Racquel and I were joined by Amber, Lyndi, Brittany, and Gretchen.  

As much as I enjoyed being on a co-ed team for the first four months of the Race, I was excited for a change and a new experience with an all-female team.  Four out of the six of us had come from co-ed teams, and we all expressed a desire to make our team a true sisterhood (and not just of traveling pants).  This idea became the deciding factor in our team name: Adelphi. 

Here we are – within minutes of discovering we were a team. So from left to right, here’s a chance to get to know the ladies of Adelphi a little bit before we begin ministry together. You’ll hear more about them as the race goes on!

Amber loves people and making them feel important. She can talk to someone she just met as if she’s known them forever, whether the person in question is a ministry host or a barista in a Nepali coffee shop.

Brittany is an overcomer. We were actually at September route training camp together last summer, but never crossed paths. Although she’s had to postpone her launch date twice for financial reasons, she never gave up and carries that determination with her everywhere she goes. 

Gretchen – who you might remember from my previous team – is in constant pursuit of God. Knowledge, relationship, deeper understanding… these are the things in the forefront of her mind. This insatiable desire for intimacy with the Father is something you don’t see in a lot of people.

Lyndi has a zest for life that never falters. She is unashamedly herself and encourages others to do the same. (Fun fact: she also qualified for the Boston Marathon on her first try, which is quite the rarity). Her boldness and joy radiate outward to everyone around her.

Racquel, our fearless leader, is a master storyteller. She can give a recap of something that happened like no one else, and not only can she tell a great story, but she makes a point to live one as well. Every moment is a crucial plot point, and every person is an integral character.

Today we head out to our ministry site for the month to begin this next chapter of the Race together – stay tuned for what’s to come!