Okay, okay, it’s a catchy song and has been my road trip anthem lately, but nobody could actually walk 500 miles.  Unless you’re Iron Man, and he’d probably prefer to fly.

Anyway, I decided it would be fun to calculate just how many miles I’ll be traveling over the course of the World Race.  These are approximate, and some are straight lines while others are driving routes, but here’s what I found.  (All distances calculated from the capital city of each country unless otherwise noted.)

New York (Buffalo)to Guatemala:2070

Guatemala to Honduras:384

Honduras to Nicaragua: 235

Nicaragua to Costa Rica: 264

Costa Rica to Japan: 8186

Japan to Thailand: 2862

Thailand to Laos: 406

Laos to Cambodia: 617

Cambodia to Swaziland:5596

Swaziland to Botswana:437

Botswana to South Africa: 910

South Africa to New York: 8097


All adding up to a grand total of approximately… (drum roll please) 30,064 miles!  



All calculations courtesy of www.distance.to!