From what I’ve been told about the world race, there’s an 11th commandment: “Thou shalt not have expectations.”  But you know who goes into anything with absolute zero expectations?  Nobody, that’s who.  Which is probably why “expectations” is recommended as an early blog topic.  

I’ve read so many blogs and talked with enough alumni racers that I can understand the basic outline of the race pretty well.  But every single one of them has said that things can and will change at a moment’s notice. Bring it on.

So what do I expect?

  • I expect to be challenged
  • I expect to be uncomfortable
  • I expect to get sick, probably more than once. (Occupational hazard of international travel…)
  • I expect to feel inadequate
  • I expect to be confused

But at the same time…

  • I expect to learn
  • I expect to be creative
  • I expect to be flexible
  • I expect to grow closer to God
  • I expect that in the end, in spite of and because of the challenges, this journey will be worthwhile.  Not just for me, but for those who my squad will encounter along the way.

 In his heart a man plans his course, but the Lord determines his steps.  Proverbs 16:9