Hey everyone! I leave for the World Race in September – just 116 days away, and while I’m very excited to get started, I still have to raise $3500 more to go. In keeping with the World Race theme of 11 (countries I will travel to throughout 11 months) I am asking you to support me with a donation of $11 on May 11th, and to share this with 11 friends who might be interested in supporting me!

What does $11 buy?
-1 movie ticket
-2 grande frappucinos at Starbucks
-3 gallons of gas

But on the World Race, where I will live on a very limted budget, $11 goes a long way. It will cover:

-3 full days of food ($3.75 per day)
-2 full days of lodging ($5.25 per day)
-2 full days of public transportation ($4 per day)

If you are interested in contributing, there are two ways you can do do:

1. Mail a check made out to “Adventures in Missions” with “for Sarah Michel” in the memo line to

Adventures in Missions
P.O. Box 752570
Atlanta, GA 30374-2570

2. Click the “support me” tab on the left to donate via credit or debit card.

If 320 people donate $11, I’ll have made it to my second fundraising checkpoint and officially be able to launch in September! Please share this with your friends and tell anyone you’d like – the more the merrier!

Thank you all for your prayers and support – it means a lot to me.


P.S. – I graduate on May 10th – how crazy is that?  Four years has flown by.