Blogging is something that I never thought I would do. I’ve never considered myself to be a writer, and I have never really known what to write about. However, I am about to experience a life-changing event that deserves to be written about. 

Let me start off by explaining a little about myself. My name is Sarah McClure, and I am 17 and a senior in high school. I go to a small Christian school in Boise, Idaho. I have gone to this school since I was in kindergarten. I’ve been with most of the same kids since then, and I would consider most of the staff and administration my friends. You could say that I live in a bubble here in Boise.

I really love people. I absolutely love to pour into others and make them feel important. I love to build relationships. I love to listen to people tell stories. I feel like you can learn so much from someone by the way they tell stories and by what their stories entail. I love learning about my gifts and talent. I love learning about them so I can use them to help others.

I am passionate about helping kids who have been abused. I know so many people who have been taken advantage of. I have a desire to be a part of their rescue and recovery.

 My sophomore year, I experienced God like I have never experienced him before. For the first time in my life, I understood God’s divine love for me, his abounding grace, and his complete satisfaction. I had the opportunity to go on a mission trip, with a few of my classmates, to San Francisco. There we served, worshiped, and grew. I felt God’s presence there for the first time and my life has never been the same since. God wrecked my life with His love and changed my heart. After that mission trip, I did everything I could to learn more and more about God. I was living a radical life for the kingdom, and every day I had a new God moment or new God story. 

Fast forwarding a few years, and now here I am a senior in high school. Like every senior, I have been stressed about what my next year of life is going to look like.

Where will I go to School?

What do I want to be?

 One day I was consulting my dad on advice for what next year should look like. He asked me if I had ever heard of the World race gap year. I told him I had, but I also told him that it wasn’t something I was interested in. Nine months in five different countries, that’s just crazy. It was far out of my comfort zone. My dad told me to just research it a bit and see if I would change my mind. I took his advice and absolutely fell in love with it. I love people and serving, and this is the focus of World Race gap year. So, starting in September I will be traveling to Thailand, Cambodia, Honduras, Guatemala, and Ethiopia. Instead of having a roof over my head, tons of clothes to choose from, and a bed to sleep in. I will be in a tent, living out of a backpack, and sleeping in a sleeping bag. 

I am so excited to see how God grows and shapes me on this trip. Instead of comfort I will be completely relying on God, and that is when I am best used. 

So, for those of you who read this and want to partner with me you are more than welcome to donate, and I will always appreciate your prayers. Thank you.