As I begin to prepare for this journey I will definitely need as much support as I can receive because I can not do this alone. So I’m asking that you prayerfully consider supporting me in the months to come. 

•spiritually: as I prepare for this mission trip I need as many prayers and I can get. Prayers for God to provide financially, prayers for my heart to be prepared for this mission trip, prayers for safety, prayers for all those I encounter on this trip that their hearts may be open to hearing the word of God and prayers for my fellow racers.

•financially: I am going to need to ask for some financial support. I am hoping to raise $4,500 in order to help cover the two months of airfare, food, insurance, and housing. 

•networking: from now until I depart, I am going to be fundraising for my trip. I am asking that you spread the word so that hopefully I can grow my support system. 

If there is any money that exceeds my targeted goal of $4,500 will go towards gear for the trip/ personal expenses as I am on the mission field. 

Thank you all so much for all your love and support! I will definitely keep you all updated. Please feel free to message me with any questions. 

With love, 
Sarah Kullen