I’m wide awake

Drawn closer by grace

And all my heart is yours

all fear removed

I breathe you in

and lean into your love

Sinking Deep, Hillsong

God has been M O V I N G in my life. In ways I never knew possible.

I used to think the whole ‘chain breaker’ thing was somewhat cheesy, or was embarrassed to worship with my hands in the air(like I just don’t care:). But as soon as I said yes to God for the Race, I have been transformed, and He continues to work in my life in the most wild of ways. I feel like I finally get it, like my eyes have been opened. 

Last night around 930, God asked me what I was rooted in, and I said ‘idk man, show me’. I was in my PJs when I texted my brother to see what he was doing, and he said to go meet him at a local coffee shop open mic. Open mics are not really my thang. But, God told me to go, so I begrudgingly went. and WOW God is wild.

I was about to leave after my brother performed when this young guy came up with a guitar and began playing ‘Sinking Deep’ by Hillsong. And it was a beautiful light in the darkness that is in that coffee shop. He must have had so much courage t go sing a Christian song among people that aren’t believers, at least thats what I would assume. I began to sing along as some girls behind me sang with him and we worshiped in a room full of people who didn’t know Jesus.

I am rooted wholly in the Love of God.

After the song I got a second to speak to the guy that sang, and his heart was on fire. I hope God allows our paths to cross again. 

As I was leaving, a kind young man stopped me and straight up asked me what my story was. Not gonna lie, I was really planning on brushing him off and going to bed, but God had different plans. This spiraled into a 20 minute conversation about the Race, how amazing God’s love is, and how I can’t wait to share the beautiful love of Jesus. And this guy’s heart was on fire for the Lord. I could feel the Holy Spirit radiating off of him. He told me to find joy in the little moments that I may not want to find joy in. and that was totally God speaking through him. (WILD right??) I never got his name, but I also hope our paths cross again.

It amazes me how He is working in my life right in front of me to prepare me for the Race. I would’ve never freely worshiped without feeling self-conscious before. Would have never approached a stranger on the street to ask them what their story was. 

If you have some time, go listen to Sinking Deep. 


this is the sound of chains breaking

this is the beat of a heart changing

this is the song of a soul forgiven

this is my freedom hymn

‘freedom hymn’ by austin french