The last week in India was so much fun.  We did a lot of painting and playing with kids.  Thanks so much to those of you who prayed for me about visiting the leper colony.  The Lord totally provided as He filled me with compassion for the people I was shaking hands with.  I couldn’t believe how strong He made me. 

Leaving my kids was probably one of the hardest parts of the trip so far.  The last night Deepak and Zamjelang were so sad that they didn’t want to come tell me bye.  Zamjelang told another little boy that he was going to cry when I left.  I was fighting back the tears at this point.  Then as we were leaving I gave little Sugrive a kiss on the cheek.  He then returned the kiss on my cheek and I about lost it.  Each boy helped me carry part of my luggage out to the bus and stood with me until I got on.  God blessed me so much through Deepak, Zamjelang and Sugrive.

Right now we are in Athens, Greece.  It was a trip and a half to get here.  After 2 nights of sleeping in airports, flying through Bahrain (where Micheal Jackson now lives), spending 12 hours in the Cairo airport, and visiting 3 continents within 24 hours, we made it safely early this morning to Athens!  We have been given the freedom of 3 weeks to break up and travel throughout Europe, seeking ministry opportunities.  Jessica Sisson, from the Brown team, Kim Lynch, from the Blue team, and I have opted to stick together and see what the Lord brings our way.  We will be travelling through Greece, Italy, Switzerland, Austria, Hungary, Poland, Czech Republic, and Germany before meeting up with the rest of the World Racers in Split, Croatia.  Please pray for our safety, and for God to present incredible ways to minister and amazing divine appointments. 

And finally here are some pictures from India since I wasn’t able to post any while there: