So I am writing from an internet cafe in Tampico.  Yesterday we headed out on our first race leg of the trip, only to discover about 30 minutes down the road that we had a radiator problem, and the van was over heating.  We stopped for Gary to cool it down with some water.  Not too far later we had to stop again and cool off.  After a little while of this, God pulled us over at a mechanico.  This man was a Christian and wanted to fix our over heating problem for free.  About an hour and many prayers later we had what we thought was a fixed van.  

Our clubwagon ran a little better and faster without overheating but was not completely fixed.  Stopping every 30 km or so to add more water and let it cool off, meant a long day of travel!  We finally arrived in Tampico…about a 6 hour drive…12 hours later.  God provided us with a reasonable hotel and led us this morning to a mechanic that fixes radiators.  As I write I pray that he can fix the problem so the rest of our journey might be a little more time efficient.  I am going to go ahead and guess that we probably wont win this leg of the race, but we know God has us here for reason!  We have given Him the wheel and are along for the ride!