Ah the famous Training Camp blog…but where to begin???

This week was incredible. God did so many amazing things in my own life as well as the lives of my squadmates. 
I walked into Training Camp a little nervous. I had talked to several of my squadmates before camp, but I didn't really know them well. I had no idea what kind of activites we would be doing during the week. And I certainly had NO clue how God was going to show up. Here's a little taste of what I experienced the past week:

1. Love of my squad: My squad is AMAZING. I have never met people who are so incredibly easy to love. If you know me, you know that I have a hard time opening up and being myself around people I hardly know. N-Squad changed all of that. I went in thinking I would only get to know a few of my squadmates, but I left with such a strong love for each and every one of them. They brought me out of my shell within the first day. These people are so accepting, so encouraging, and so fun to be around that it was hard to be shy for too long. My squadmates are so giving. I watched as they were hit with different trying situations day after day and instead of becoming bitter about losing their stuff or sleeping in unattractive places, they continued to show their love for their fellow squadmates every time. They gave up half of their tent space and gear so that those who "lost" theirs would have somewhere to sleep. They got up early and worked hard to cook breakfast at the crack of dawn. They tried desperately not to complain on a crammed bus even when they couldn't feel their legs and had little to no sleep. This group cares about each other. They know what it is to love others. Can't wait to see how much more we grow in our love for eachother, for others, and for Christ over the next year!
                (N-Squad: an incredible group of Christ followers)

2. Freedom: I experienced this in a few different ways. I have always been one who has a hard time during worship. For so long I have compared myself to others and felt like I was trapped in this timid role. I had the courage this week to be who I really am and to worship God in different ways because I no longer cared what others thought. It didn't matter because I felt safe and loved. I raised my hands, danced around, etc. It was such a gift of freedom to just experience worshiping my creator and focusing on Him instead of what everyone else could be thinking about me.  
                       (Worship at the Pavillion)

3. The Holy Spirit: I saw the Holy Spirit work in incredible ways all week long. Having gone to both Southern Baptist and Non-Denominational churches all my life, I haven't really ever been comfortable with praying for healing and prophecy. It's just not what I had been raised around. I am coming away with a different opinion about it though- especially prophecy. I have always thought of the prophets of the Bible when I thought of the word prophecy, but the way we used it during camp was different. Prophecy is the building up, the encouragement of the church (the people). It really is speaking life into those around you- telling them what you feel God is pressing on your heart. I saw the Holy Spirit move in my squad all week. We were all shocked! There were squadmates who experienced healing after being prayed for which was amazing. I remember getting to the prophecy part of the week and freaking out though. I was still struggling with the idea that I could be the only one not hearing anything from God and that was bothering me. When they had us find a partner and practice prophecy I was so nervous. And I didn't get it all right. In m opinion, I need time alone in the quietto really hear God speak…and it was not quiet where we were. Even then, I saw God working in the lives of my squadmates. We had people prophecying over each other and they had no idea that the person had needed to hear exactly that. It was incredible. It made me so excited to see how the Holy Spirit is going to continue to show up in the next year. I know this was vague- it's hard to describe!

3. Random: Let's see… I had to learn to use chopsticks on the very first day. Yikes! But I can now say that I am an expert at using them. Bring it on Asia! Our squad experienced freezing temperatures at night and early morning. I was NOT prepared for that at all. It was actually rather funny since it was Georgia. Ya, lesson learned. Always pack for any type of weather. You never know! Also, lets just say N-Squad is the most fun. Why might you as? Well…all we ever do is have dance parties and sing Disney songs. Yes, we are that awesome! 
 (Washing dishes and singing Disney songs!)

There was so much more I could have said here and it was hard not to. If you still want to know more, just ask! For those of you who are upcoming racers, this is my advice to you: don't be afraid to step out on a limb. You get out of this experience what you are willing to put into it. Allow your squadmates, squadleaders, and Christ to pour into you. And don't hold onto your expectations. Don't worry about what is coming next or who will end up on your team. God has this under control and He is putting his perfect plan into place. Enjoy this and be ready to change!
The fire crew on our camp out nightOur amazing squad leaders! Tiffany, Joshua, and Kelly- We love them!