For 8 days our team chose to be in a town 4 ?hours away from our missionary contact here in China. The town we are currently in has the most population of Sala Muslims in China and we are here by ourselves without a contact. This is the first time on this trip where our team was alone without a contact person. Every morning we wake up and pray together as a team and ask the Lord what He would have us do as we intercede for this town.

The first day we arrived we met a young Muslim man who speaks a little English. He has many contacts in the town and his mother is a policewoman. Because of this, we must stay very low key because this town has zero tolerance for missionaries or foreigners.

The local people are very interested in us and we are able to use our new friend as a translator. He has taken us through the whole town and given us a wonderful tour and experiences including a variety of different restaurants and seeing the Yellow River. He took us to the high school where he teaches and graduated from. The students were so excited when we entered their classroom. One classroom I was sent in by myself. The students clapped for me as I entered. I spoke to them very slowly in English because they are learning. I explained to them where I was from and what the United States is like. I talked about the differences between the Muslims and Christians openly. They also asked me to sing songs for them in English. I told them I was singing songs that I sing in my church.

Yesterday we were invited by our new friend’s uncle’s house who is Muslim as well. His wife prepared a delicious meal that we ate on the front porch. I am really enjoying the Chinese/Muslim dishes. Tea is becoming my staple drink?haha. It was a huge honor to be invited to his house because the Sala Muslims normally do not converse with outsiders let alone invite them to dinner.

We are making huge strides here in our town that I truly love. We are paving the way and chipping down walls for future missionaries in this untouched town. Please join me as I intercede for this town. The Lord will hear the cry of our hearts.

I apologize for not being able to say more, but please understand that I am limited in the information that I may put on the Internet. Be well and I love you all!