**UPDATE – June 2017** Our route has been changed, we will no longer be going to the Philippines and will be going to Thailand instead!  I would have loved to serve in the Philippines, but also look forward to what we will get to do in Thailand. 


The question I have been asked the most over the last couple of months when talking about the World Race is hands down “where will you be going?”  So let’s talk about that a bit.   

My squad and I will be traveling a route that will take us to 3 continents, 11 countries and over 16,000 miles.   (Thank you google maps for that tidbit of data.)  We’ll literally be circumnavigating the globe to spread the love of Christ and thinking about it makes me giddy.

To be fair, it is possible that my route will change–it already has once since I was accepted–but here are the countries that we are currently planning to serve in.

1-El Salvador




5-Cote d’Ivoire








I’ve created an interactive Google Map that you can check out to see more about where I’m going.  My hope is to update this map with pictures and milestones along the way so you’ll have another way to follow along with my journey. 


My Squad

Other questions I’ve received a lot have been about my squad, so I’ll shed some light on that topic here.  There will be a large group of us, at this time we are up to 29 people, that will travel along the same route.  We’ll be broken up into smaller teams throughout the race and might not all be at the same ministry during the same month, while we are in the same country.  The squad could end up being as big as 60 people by the time all applications are finished. 

No, I currently haven’t met anyone, but we are in touch via social media and a very active group text app.  It’s been a fun and easy way to share prayer requests and get to know each other the past month or so.  You can get to know some of the amazing people I’ll be traveling with by checking out the the link to the left title “Meet My Squad.”


That’s all I have to updated you on right now, I’m hoping to give you more information about each country we’re planing to visit over the next couple of months.  I’ve found I love learning more about each place we will visit and learning of the various personal connections I’m finding with each country.   I have friends who were greatly impacted by their missionary work in India and Nicaragua, a great aunt who is from El Salvador and a friend from the Philippines.  It was some of these connections that helped me decide which route to choose.  I would love to hear if you’ve had any connections with any of the countries we’re planning to visit.  

If you’re wondering how you can support me, start by subscribing to this blog, and commenting with questions or stories of your own.  I’m also still in the thick of fundraising so that I can go on this incredible mission.  If you haven’t already, check out my blog all about how you can support me, I’d love to partner with you.