“Sam and I walk towards Alimeria, but a man is highlighted to us both, we follow him. Soon enough the men in their 20s always smoking, call us to have coffee because we stopped exactly there. One of my favorite ministry moments ever. We sit, the pulled together charismatic 27 year old jumps right in. He’s on the edge of his seat looking for God. I set my big Bible next to their glasses of alcohol and ash trays, one starts to look in it. He tells us, I don’t want to get into it, but tell me how you can know Jesus is real. Ya, share with us because our minds our open and our beliefs could change (wow the soil!). It’s so hard to believe they say, when people suffer (share how Jesus suffers with us and overcame it). I tell them I was empty and selfish and Jesus changed everything (I wrapped the Gospel in there, and they are like we know the story, but how do you know it’s true?). 

   They say well yeah we are all empty, your telling me you have found the way to fullness? Yes, that is what I am telling you. I tell him he reminds me of Thomas and that if he truly asks, Jesus wants to show himself to him (remember that). The one who compliments my eyes and gives me flowers says he knows how he fills his emptiness raising his glass. But he’s kind. 

   At first glance, I wouldn’t have sat with these men. But they weren’t lustful, they were hungry for the hope we carried. A different story than unemployment and time spent like this. They were just little boys lost, God was saving them. The Gospel is life to those that are being saved. These men were being saved – I saw it on their faces. When Sam shared his story the genuinely curious one who cares about justice said I just got goosebumps. Then Nick with the Spirit on him, tells his story of falling away, of healings, of what He’s found in the Lord with all confidence and hope. 

     This and Sam’s story encourages the 24 year old who cares for everyone in town, he started reading the Bible in jail and he tells us that he believes in this. The Lord was pursuing him again. He said he found a safe home in the believers, and he grabbed onto the Bible and book we gave. I made the one who gave me flowers take a Bible. These men read Scripture at this table where the whole town could walk by. They said it’s good how you’d not just give a book but you sit with us. 

    The curious one questions our organization if it’s all for money, and he wonders why I as a girl am doing this – isn’t it dangerous. As just me sits with 7 men (3 from my team). This is exciting, and I loved shaking their hands at the end looking them in the eyes blessing them. I loved praying for them. As I started praying they were like wait what do we do? Do we close our eyes? They were looking for us to tell them the specific way they need to pray, we said you are free. I saw their faces touched, at a restful awe of what is this? We continue, then the curious one brings up his hurt leg. Nick initiates, and we pray in faith for God to heal. This put-together 27 year old intelligent man starts moving his leg as all the other men watch in disbelief. Unable to explain that the pain was actually gone. The other men stood up saying no way, your joking as the one healed moved his leg in amazement, bending it more than he could before without really trying. The other man who met Jesus in prison stands up and says “I told you Jesus is real!” 

      Gabe tells him tomorrow don’t forget this is real. God heard the cry of his searching heart. He said he tried and was never filled, but we are here to tell you be filled. Then the other man says pray for my mind, but stay sitting. They say pray for all our minds. We do. Nick shares this is not anything special about us – this is the power of Jesus! We connect them with Flori and the church. It’s up to them to grab onto what they clearly saw – they have a choice. They are without excuse. The curious one cared deeply and wanted the best for the people in his life – God saw it, God wanted it, God is saving him to be a powerful leader. I believe it. “. – Hannah. 

This was an incredible day of ministry, this mans leg was healed in front of 5 men who were so open to God. They said they were going to go to church, I hope they did. Join in prayer, that these men will be moved and that the Holy Spirit will continue  to stir their hearts. The look on their faces keeps playing in my head, the shock, the amazement. One man got out of his chair he was so surprised. All Glory to God! 

This blog was taken from Hannahs journal. I hope you enjoy it.