The Church we have been attending in Nicaragua is a Spanish speaking congregation. This can make it difficult to understand what is going on, and on this particular day my Spanish skills were just not working. So, I just sat in the back row, with my Bible open, reading the book of Joshua. The pastor then read something that my Spanish comprehension skills understood. So I flipped to that verse…
Mark: 16:17 “ And these signs will accompany those who believe: in my name they will cast out demons…”
I sat there and began thinking back on the week we just had. We had seen this verse come to life.
This is my testimony.
We hop in a truck bed with our rain jackets on, it is sprinkling rain on us as we travel across town. We have two local pastors and a couple other local men with us. We arrive at a house near the landfill, close to where we had been going. Walking into the house we greet the mother and her two sons. The family informs us of the witchcraft they used to partake in, but no longer do.
As the pastors were talking to the older boy, he told us he sees the demons. He then said that he can hear them also. One of the pastors then asked him “what are they saying ?” The boy tried to answer but was unable to speak and then he just passed out unconscious. Helping him get back up and sitting him in a chair, we begin praying.
We prayed and worshiped over the house. We went in each room and spoke in Jesus’ name. While I was praying over the main room a girl on my team looked at me and said, “it’s a spirit of fear”. Right after saying this she began to hold her throat and was unable to speak anymore. I began to pray over her, but her voice had been taken. One of the pastors sent her back to the truck and a couple people with to pray over her.
She had pointed to the backyard before she stepped out, so I went back there in the rain with the pigs and began to pray. We worshiped and prayed over the family again. We then had to leave for the night.
The team was pretty shaken, most had never seen anything like this before. I mean we went to cast out demons, then someone passed out and another got their voice taken. Quite the experience. So our kind host led us in a debrief the next morning. The debrief was a great realization for most, many of us had been walking in fear. We do not need to fear, when we have God on our side. He already has the victory.
“You, dear children, are from God and have overcome them, because the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world.”
1 John 4:4
We were planning on going back to the house and praying again in two days, but a couple people on the team felt we had to go back sooner, so some of us fasted that morning and returned to the house that afternoon. We prayed over each family member and the pastor led them in some repentance and forgiveness.
We left, feeling good with what was done. The pastors said they would return soon to check on family. I really love how the local ministry we work with does not stop with the first prayer, but they will keep going back and get them plugged in with a community of believers.
The second house was a few days after. We entered the house of another mother with three boys, one being a 27 day old baby. We were quickly informed that the oldest boy had seen some shadowy figure in their household. Also that the baby had been having seizures. The mother mentioned to us that she had just turned from her old ways and wants to follow Jesus now. We prayed over the house and the family. We also directed our prayers for healing over the baby.
As we were about to leave, I noticed a girl on my team was uneasy. I asked her what was happening. She said “it’s a spirit of restlessness” and then she pointed to a corner and said “it is something about this corner”. So I went back and begin to pray and soon everyone did. As we prayed in Jesus’ name, the baby had a seizure and the demon fled. Someone said they saw the demon leave and another sensed it’s presence leave.
Moments later, the older son had come home, he was the one who had seen the demon before. He walked into the back room to the corner which we were led to. He said “it was here where I saw it”. The boy also mentioned how he could not sleep in the house for a while.
This explains, the spirit of restlessness that was in the house. It is cast out now, and we prayed over the baby once more.
It was crazy that as we prayed in that exact corner, the baby had a seizure at the exact time. Once again, the pastors said they would be returning to the house to check on the family.
That is the power in Jesus’ name. The demons tremble and flee. He has given us such authority, when we believe in him. Praise God!!!
I asked one of the pastors a week later (yesterday) how the families are doing. He said, “both houses have not felt a presence since we came and prayed!”
The baby was having 10-11 seizures a day, but now a normal day consist of 0. The pastor did say that every other day the baby has been having 1 seizure. So prayer is still needed and they are going to get some medicine for the baby. But wow! Praise god. Imagine going from 30-33 seizures every 3 days to 1 seizure ever 3 days. And it is not over. Only the beginning.
This second house reminds me of Matthew 17:14-20
“When they came to the crowd, a man approached Jesus and knelt before him. “Lord, have mercy on my son,” he said. “He has seizures and is suffering greatly. He often falls into the fire or into the water. I brought him to your disciples, but they could not heal him.” “You unbelieving and perverse generation,” Jesus replied, “how long shall I stay with you? How long shall I put up with you? Bring the boy here to me.” Jesus rebuked the demon, and it came out of the boy, and he was healed at that moment. Then the disciples came to Jesus in private and asked, “Why couldn’t we drive it out?” He replied, “Because you have so little faith. Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.””
Faith as small as a mustard seed?
This is the size of a mustard seed, all we need is a little Faith. It is not us who do the miracle… it is the power and authority of the one working through us.
We the church, are the body of Christ. Let us walk in faith!
All the Glory belongs to my King. Jesus.
Peace and Blessings
Sam Osuna
Update Letter From Sam
Thank You for reading my blog, I hope you are encouraged with the things I am seeing here. I am currently leading a three month semester trip. We are heading to Costa Rica in a few days. It is an honor to step into this, and although it can be challenging, I would have it no other way.
This January, I will be heading to the Middle East on a another three month trip. I am excited to lead this one as well and reach those who have not heard the gospel.
I am still fundraising for this trip, You can see at the top of this page my fundraising bar. One way to help me fundraise is by giving, can be done on the top of this page by clicking the donate button. If you find venmo or something else easier, please feel free to email me. [email protected]. Another way is by sharing my blogs, and another is through prayer support.
I also love reading your comments below. Please feel free to leave comment! Thank You so much.
-Sam Osuna
23 “‘If you can’?” said Jesus. “Everything is possible for one who believes.” 24 Immediately the boy’s father exclaimed, “I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief!”
Mark 9:23-24
15 He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation. 16 Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned. 17 And these signs will accompany those who believe: In my name they will drive out demons; they will speak in new tongues; 18 they will pick up snakes with their hands; and when they drink deadly poison, it will not hurt them at all; they will place their hands on sick people, and they will get well.”
Mark 16:15-18