Wow… single digits!! With only nine days left until I return home, I thought I'd post another reflection from the World Race. These are all the ministries I was involved in while on the Race. Every month was very different even thouugh some times we had similar ministries scheduled. 

World Race Ministries
India: door to door evangelism, preaching in church and in villages, casting a demon out of a man, seeing people healed, children’s church, playing guitar and leading worship in church

Nepal: door to door evangelism, preaching in church and in villages, building a bamboo fence, teaching in the school next to the church, handing out tracts, playing guitar and leading worship in church

Thailand: visiting schools and talking to kids about Jesus, passing out flyers at a college campus and then holding a club where we evangelized to students, speaking at a church service, evangelizing to kids in a fishing town, leading children’s church, and painting a mural at a school

Malaysia: living in a foster home where we served them food, walked the girls to school, and helped them with homework, teaching English and math to Sri Lankan refugees, partnering with an international church and helping them wherever they needed us

Cambodia: preaching in church, visiting poor villages and encouraging them with the Good News of Jesus Christ, playing with street kids, visiting churches around the area, teaching English, and leading children’s church

Vietnam: bar/club ministry, going to underground churches to encourage them, going to heroin recovery meetings to share the love of Christ with them, decorating for Christmas, singing in a couple Christmas pageants, singing at an international church, building relationships with people in the park, teaching English, and leading children’s church

Uganda: door to door evangelism, preaching in church, leading weekly Bible studies, playing with kids at church, speaking at church conferences, and prayer meetings

Kenya: door to door evangelism, preaching in church, helping to paint a wall mural in the church, design new church bulletins, create a blog and new email address for the church, praying for sick patients in the hospitals, playing with Compassion International Kids and helping them to write letters to their sponsors, and shopping at the market for weekly food

Tanzania: door to door evangelism, preaching in church, building a church – carrying water, bricks, and stones to build the foundation, playing with orphans and leading games at an orphanage, working alongside an AIM passport team

Latvia: directing, filming, and editing videos for church services, working with Pathfinders, giving cultural presentations at high schools, sewing toys for baby school, singing in the church service

Estonia: painting boards for the ceiling of the church, attending and organizing games for youth group, leading programs at a mentally disabled home, a children’s home, and an elderly home, presenting in middle and high schools, singing in the church service