Hi friends and family!
I definitely meant to post this over a month ago. Fail. Well, better late than never. (Haha, I love technology. I backdated it so it looks like I posted it on time! YES!)

I just wanted to send a shout out to everyone that helped with the silent auction at Ferrysburg Community Church. It was a HUGE success and it's all thanks to my friends and family. Thank you so much! Something cool happened that I wasn't expecting. God is so cool. I was interviewed with the local newspaper about my World Race, so I just wanted to post those links for you to check out. This is what was written before the auction took place. Then, afterward, the guy who interviewed me asked me how it went, and I thought he was just being nice, so I shot him a qiuck email back saying thank you and giving him some quick details. He actually went ahead and wrote a follow up article! I was so surprised. It was really neat! You can check that out here, if you'd like. Anyways, over 70 items were auctioned off, and the money just kept coming in, so while the article says $2300 was raised, it was more like $2700. PRAISE GOD! He is so faithful.

Thank you so much to everyone who helped out.

I love you all.