If you recall a couple blogs back, I explained how I'm saying yes to and embracing every opportunity presented to me. 

Sunday night, Shelley asked if any girls on our team would be interested in meeting with a college girl to help her with her English. Instead of waiting to respond, like Shelley asked us to, I quickly agreed. I had no idea how much fun I could get myself into just by saying yes!

Yesterday morning, I met with my new friend named My (pronounced me). She came by my hotel to pick me up on her moto. I strapped on my helmet, jumped on the back, and was ready for a new adventure. We zipped through traffic on her little motorcycle over to the university. We got some coffee and sat down to study. She was excited to have a conversation with a foreigner. She's an English major (like me!), but she's not completely confident in her speaking. Well, I took out my Bible in the middle of the college study hall and we started speaking some truth into the building. We studied 2 Timothy. It's so cool that even though I'm in a closed country, we can engage in the Word. 

We had fun talking and exploring yesterday for a few hours, and then she brought me back to the hotel. 

Today, she picked me up at 8 again and this time it was my turn to tell her where we should go. I had done my research yesterday, so I was ready with a few suggestions. We decided on the Notre Dame Cathedral, also called the Saigon Notre-Dame Basilica. Basilica of Our Lady of The Immaculate Conception is a cathedral located in the downtown of Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. Established by French colonists, the cathedral was constructed between 1863 and 1880. We explored and took tons of pictures. It was cool, but I would say the best part was all the weddings! We counted 10 weddings! There were wedding dresses, tuxedos, flower bouquets, and wedding photographers running all over the place. I took some pictures too! Why not? 

After the Cathedral, we retired to the park to find some shade and study the Word. 

I am so thankful for this opportunity to minister to and study with My! We did our best to capture our morning in pictures. Check out the slideshow below to join in a photo tour with us! 

I'm so happy I said yes!!!