May 21:

After our afternoon session with Ron Walborn, we were asked to pray for healing. There were 12 people who had back pain, and they went forward to have hands laid on them. Anyone with back pain was supposed to go up for healing.

My upper back was hurting a little, but I think it was only from sleeping wrong on it, and I'm not a complainer, so I figured, it'll just go away eventually.

There's no need to go get it prayed over.

So, to continue the story, the 12 people with back pain went forward, and hands were laid on them. If we couldn't reach the 12 people with back pain, we were instructed to reach out a hand and place it on the person in front of us.

So we did.

The girl behind me placed her hand right where my back was hurting. We started praying out loud. My right hand tingled that was resting on a chair, and I didn't hear anything that the girl behind me was saying. We finished praying after a while and walked back to our chairs.

Suddenly, I noticed the pain that was in my back was gone.

It's funny because the first thing I try to do is rationalize…
Well, maybe it just needed to be stretched…
Maybe I just needed to stand up…
Maybe my muscles were in a weird way sitting in the chair…

Or MAYBE God just healed me through the girl who placed her hand on my back.


I touched her shoulder and said, "You're probably going to think this is really weird,  but…"
And I told her what had happened. 
She said that at church, she was told that she would be given the power of healing. 
I cried as I realized that God loves me so much that he would heal something as silly as my back.
God loves me so much that he sent his son to die for me. 

We were given gifts. Gifts to heal, gifts to prophesy, gifts to preach, gifts of visions. 

I experienced God's holy power of healing today. 

(And it's only the beginning.)