It’s the middle of month eight, which means I’ll be home from the race in just three and a half short months. I can’t believe how the time has gone by so quickly even though it feels as though I’ve been away from home for at least a few years. It’s getting to be about that time when racers have to start trying to plan for the future. I’m so excited about how God has grown me and the plans that have been lining up in my life.
5 years ago I worked with an organization called Group Workcamps Foundation. It was a summer job where I had the title of a program manager. I did a lot of the behind the scenes things at summer camps. I took pictures, made slideshows, and made sure the programs ran smooth. It lasted for 6 weeks, and each week a new group of about 500 students came with their youth groups to help with some sort of building project. While it was an okay experience, my heart was in the wrong place. I just wanted to talk to boys and not really focus on God. After it was finished, I told myself that I would never do that again.
Well, about a month ago, that summer was brought to mind. I just had such a sense of hope and anticipation when I was thinking about it. God changed my heart towards Group Workcamps and I felt like He wanted to redeem my past experience. So, I went on the website that night and sent an email to the staffing supervisor. I asked her if it was too late to apply. She emailed me back right away and said that if I was interested, I needed to apply ASAP. So, in faith that this is what God wanted me to do, I applied. Long story short, I have been hired by Group Workcamps again this summer! I’m so excited for what this summer has in store for me.
The position I have been hired for is called the Program Leader. Instead of working with Group Workcamps Summer Camp, I will be working with Group’s Week of Hope. It is similar to Group Workcamps except for I will be in one location all summer, and there will be 700 students. My role as the Program Leader is to speak to the kids! I’m so excited! This is something I never thought I would enjoy or apply for, but God has just shown me throughout the race my passion for speaking and telling people about the Good News of Jesus Christ. So, for 6 or 7 weeks straight, I will be speaking twice a day to around 700 kids! I marvel at God’s wisdom. He is so funny! If he would have asked me to do this two years ago I don’t think I would have heard his voice, or if I did, I think I would just dismiss it right away. He knows me so much better than I know myself, and I feel like he has been preparing me to be his vessel for such a long time!
I keep praying that God will keep me present here on the Race. For months before I began the race, it was all I could think about and all I could talk about. I know I’m never going to have a season like this again in my life, so I want to stop taking my time here for granted. I don’t want to wish away the rest of my race. God has so much more to show me. He is just so good!!!