Ok, so I completely stole this from a fellow racer who's going on my same trip in July. He posted this on his facebook:

Over the last month, I've been on a journey of unlearning where I've been (attempting) to read through the Gospels alone without any preconceived opinions, notions, or ideas.  The Lord has been wrecking my world and I came to terms with the fact that Jesus did not give his followers options to consider, but commands to obey and we have three choices — go, send, or disobey.

I'm asking that you would partner with me, both prayerfully and financially. In order for me to go on the World Race, I must raise $15,500, which covers all my expenses on the field.  It's definitely a stretch for me, but I know the Lord will provide, and hopefully you would be willing to be used in doing so. 🙂

It's super super simple to give.  Just go to http://samfrancart.theworldrace.org and under my picture there is a link on the left that says "Support Me!" where you can give a one-time gift or a monthly donation.  The monthly route is preferred that way I can continue doing ministry funded through support raising in the future.  To break it into smaller numbers, if 25 people pledged $50 a month for a year, I would be fully funded.  Or if 100 people pledged $15, I would be fully funded.

I had a few people ask where the money is going and I found this chart on another racers blog.


My 65% covers the following:


  • $4,235 for our intercontinental travel for the year 
  • $460 per month, broken down as:  $3.75 per day for food; $5.25 per day for lodging; $3.00 per day for transport; $3.33 per day for long distance travel (buses, trains) and miscellaneous supplies


And in case you’re curious, here are the fundraising deadlines for the July 2012 World Race:

  • $3,500 – Due 5/6/2012 (2 weeks before Training Camp)
  • $6,500 – Due 6/17/2012 (2 weeks prior my trip)
  • $11,000 – Due 10/1/2012 (End of 3 months on the field)
  • $15,500 – Due 1/1/2013 (End of 6 months on the field)

Thank you SO SO SO SO SO much for your obedience, prayers, & support!