It’s graduation time. Everyone is excited and praying they do not trip across the stage as they shake the Dean’s hand and receive that hard earned diploma. It all seems to be a whirlwind of excitement and emotion. Schooling has ended and now it is time to face the real world.

       For some they are getting married and for others they are starting their career and putting their education to use. For others, like myself, that was not the case. I knew that I needed either more schooling or more experience before I could do what I wanted to do. I had no idea how or what I was going to do. So, I returned home.

       Part of me felt like a failure because I was not like this person or that person. It was hard because I could see my ultimate goal but I felt like it was on the other side of a large blank space. There were no longer steps to get there and I had no idea how to create the steps. So, I found an odd job after another odd job and thus began this seemingly never-ending cycle. I started to feel like I was never going to amount to much and that this is what the rest of my life would look like.

       I knew I wanted to be a missionary to the missionaries. I wanted to come along side of them and work with them. Sometimes being the “outside eye” can help the missionary see were they are subconsciously trying to do things against the culture they are in. They are westernizing it without even realizing it. With my degree in international community development I could be that person to help the missionaries and be an extra boost for them. I wanted to empower the missionaries and help them reach the culture that God placed them in.

       That is when I found myself in-between a rock and a hard place. I either needed more schooling or I needed experience. So I tried more schooling. It was something I was capable of doing but that does not mean that is what I am suppose to be doing. That leaves experience. I needed to find purpose and an organization that has many connections. That is when I began to circle missions in my prayer life.

       Along came World Race. They had 4 different routes that I could choose from. The more I researched the more that I felt pulled to the Unscripted route. Over 11 months this will take me to; Cambodia, Thailand, Malaysia, South Africa, Botswana, Bulgaria, Serbia, Spain, Peru, Ecuador, and Colombia. Here I am, ready and willing to embark on this 11-month journey of seeking God and learning about the different cultures that God created.