
My name is Samantha Barnhart but I like to go by Sam.

I am from Butler, Pennsylvania which is located just north of Pittsburgh. 

I am 26 years old.

I graduated from Oral Roberts University in 2015 with a Bachelors degree in International Community Development. 

After graduation I returned home and started working for my church and have had other random job over the past 3 years. But my heart has always been for missions.

From the time I was 7 years old I knew that I wanted to be just like, Heidi Baker and save the babies in Africa. Then when I was 13 I went on my first missions trip to Reynosa, Mexico. That was when I knew I was called to be a missionary. I returned to Mexico when I was 14. At ages 15 and 16 I went to Zacapa, Guatemala all four trips for just a week. 

After my freshman year of college, I felt the Lord was telling me to return home instead of returning in the fall. At first it was really hard because I wanted to do my four years then go. But I returned home and after a month I had a new direction. My plane ticket was already paid for and I was going to Mozambique, Africa. I had the chance to live my 7 year old dream of going to Africa and saving the babies. I spent 3 months living at an orphanage, helping with food distributions, and rescuing babies. After my time in Africa I returned home and finished my schooling. 

When I first heard about the World Race I thought it was too good to be true, to get exposure to 11 different cultures in 11 months. The more I researched it the more I knew that this was what the Lord was calling me to do next. 

So this is me. I am ecstatic to be preparing for the UNSCRIPTED tour in January 2019.