Twas the night before the race, when in my tent house

Not a creature was stirring, except a small mouse:

The rain tarp was pitched over my tent with care,

In hopes that my plane would soon be there;

The racers were nestled in sleeping bag beds,

while visions of chick-fil-a danced in their heads;

He spoke a good word, and got to work, 

and asked for the Holy Spirit to turn our hearts with a jerk, 

and laying his finger aside his nose, 

he spoke of jesus’ love, and how He arose;

now put into teams, he gave us the whistle, 

and away we flew like the down of a thistle. 

But I heard him exclaim, ere we flew out of sight,

“Good race to all, fight the good fight!”

(a Michael Hindes inspired night before the race poem! )

I do feel like it is the night before Christmas! I sit in my tent pitched in the family room and I can’t help but day dream of all the places this tent will go with me! Adjusting to sleeping in a tent is not going to be easy so I started sleeping in it about a week ago. It is just one of the many things I am trying to do to make my transition easier. But at the end of the day, I know that nothing will prepare me for what I am about to do. 

Nothing that is except PRAYER, prayer, and then a little bit more prayer! So I write all this to ask you guys one thing, pray today! 

Sometimes, I regret watching 3 hours of T.V., or staying up until 5, or reading an entire book in one day but I never regret spending time in prayer! whether it is 5 minutes or 50 prayer is always the best part of my day. Today I would ask that you spend a moment or two talking with a creator who loves you. He is eager to hear your heart and delight in your presence before the throne! And when you spend that precious time with Him, if you could please lift up all the people involved in the World Race and praise Him for His provision for us! That would bless me so much! 

So Thank you, thank you for reading this, and thank you for being a prayer warrior! 

and become a subscriber to my blog by adding your e-mail address in this blank (on the left) to stay up to date with my race! 


I will being flying to Tampa on the 30th then to Santa Domingo and from there to Haiti!!!!!!!!!