The Lord has placed this word in my heart for some time now. To be intentional simply means to do something on purpose. Not only in my pursuit of Him but also in my daily relationships with friends, family, and my significant other. You see, I tend to live my life on auto pilot and by that I mean I am always on the GO! If there’s ever a moment where I don’t have something going on I think to myself “Uh-oh what am I forgetting now”. But as I’ve prepared my heart for the goodbyes to come in just a few short weeks, I have asked the Lord to help me be more intentional and present in my walk with him and my relationship with others. Whether that’s grabbing coffee with a friend or watching movies with my siblings or even dinner with a loved one. These moments are now filled with so much gratitude and appreciation vs another mundane task on my list of things to do. I have learned to appreciate not only the good times but also the raw moments of vulnerability that have crept up during this transition. Learning to seize every moment, every laugh, and every memory has cultivated my relationships with those dearest to me. I can attest to the Lord’s unconditional love by the people he has placed in my life who have filled me with an overwhelming amount of love and support.

One thing I would like to close with is this:


There is a Kingdom Plan. God is always working. We can not see the behind the scenes work. However we are called to trust that it is happening and that God is working. Could it be that the things we go through are accomplishing a bigger picture that we can not yet see?