My favorite coffee shop is about 20 minutes from my apartment.
Every single day there is this man named Donny.
Every single day he says hello to everyone, remembering each person’s name.. or not.
I happen to be the one he does not.
He calls me Sophia.
And then I correct him.
Every single time I am there.
And it makes me so happy to see the joy he brings when he walks into the room.
I’m not exactly sure what he is diagnosed with,
But he doesn’t let it define him.
Everyone treats him normally, as he should be.
But because of his kindness, he is special.
He is also brilliant.
Constantly researching and asking questions,
Today I learned that a pack of lions are called a pride.
I learned something new today.
Sometimes he reads his Bible.
He’s not ashamed, and he brings so much happiness to the shop.
I want to be like Donny.
I want to bring kindness and selflessness to the world.
God created this man and I am so grateful I have the chance to know him.
I can’t wait to meet more people like him. I think traveling Central America may give me just that.