The truth is.. I’m not great at writing. 

So that means: nothing professional, grammar errors, but this is me. With that out of the way.. This is my first blog!

Writing a blog is not my cup of tea (and let me tell you, I love tea). So Jesus, give me strength pleaseeeeee.  



90 days in 3 different countries, with complete strangers.

   I think I may be crazy, because the farthest I’ve ever travelled is to Texas. Once, I went out of the country.. To Canada.. So like, does that even count? But, nonetheless, I am so overjoyed to do this.

   So, since I was little, I prayed that God would let me travel. That my career would let me travel. That somehow, I would travel. But I never felt like I had any opportunities to go anywhere or on any mission trips, and when my church was going on one, I just never felt like it was for me. But, my heart shifted when I decided very last minute to go to a retreat with a bunch of people I had never met. It was so exciting and adventurous and during the middle of it, I found myself in a class on mission’s work. I left telling God, “If there is ever somewhere you would like me to go, at any time at all, I will go. You can send me.” 

   A week later, after having it left on my heart, an ad for the World’s Race came up on my Facebook. It wasn’t a coincidence that it was there. I never searched it up or had even heard of it. 

I immediately signed up. Like right then and there. (And may or may not have cried while doing it)

I asked him to send me, and he said, “Okay, I will.”


Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?”

And I said, “Here am I. Send me!” – Isaiah 6:8