Matthew 11:12 “From the days of John the Baptist until now,
the kingdom of heaven has been forcefully advancing, and forceful men lay hold
of it.�

As I was reading the word of God today God spoke to me through this
verse. All of the sudden a light bulb went off in my brain and I captured a revelation that God gave me. The revelation is that we should be forcefully advancing the kingdom of God every day that we are living. We are running out of time. Jesus could come back tomorrow. I hope and pray that the kingdom of heaven forcefully advances through

On this mission trip in Nicaragua we have been doing a lot
of great things. We have done a lot of physical labor and have built some great
relationships. I know that we are making a huge impact. God has revealed to me
through several different ways that we are making a huge impact. However, I
don’t feel like the kingdom of God is forcefully advancing through us. Please
don’t get me wrong. I do think that we are making an impact, God is using us in
powerful ways, and the kingdom of heaven is advancing through us. We have seen
healings come through our prayers and lives change because of conversations
that we have. But is the kingdom of heaven FORCEFULLY ADVANCING? I don’t
necessarily think it has. John the baptist was a voice in the wilderness and Jesus spoke highly about him. He basically said that John the baptist was forcefully advancing the kingdom of heaven and the way I see it is that John was using his voice to do that.

I have surrendered
total control to God for what we will be doing the rest of the time we are here
in Nicaragua. As I give control over to God I also pray that if it is His will
the kingdom of heaven will forcefully advance through me and this team.I pray that God will use my mouth for His words to flow out of. We are in an emergency and it’s time for the kingdom of heaven to forcefully advance again!