I just want to give God praise right now! I want to give him praise because he has been a faithful God to me. I have been trying to get to know who God is for about 6 years now. And when I relly started to seek him over the last year in my life, God has shown up in my life in amazing ways. He has been teaching me all about who he is. He has also been teaching me who I am. For years and years I thought I knew myself. However, when I started seeking to know who God was he started telling me who I was in him. He has taught me about his amazing love for me. God loves me so much and he loves you just as much as he loves me. The God who I serve is the God of peace and love and tranquility. I want to THANK GOD for being there for me when I was not there for him. I list some things that I am thankful for God for… I am thankful for
  • God offering me freedom from my sin
  • God pouring out his love on me
  • God choosing not to abandon me when I abandoned him
  • God calling me his son! (WOW what an amazing feeling)
  • being a servant of God
  • God meeting me where I am every day to teach me more about him
  • God offering me the FREE gift of heaven! (Really! I said the FREE gift of heaven)
  • God teaching me how to love him and trust in him
  • All of my supporters for providing and praying for me.
  • All of the people who read my blog and keep up with it
  • being drawn closer to God over the last couple of months
  • All of my friends and family
  • God letting me be a part of his work
  • Jesus Christ coming to die for my filthy sin
  • Jesus prayed for Gods will instead of his
  • My mom and dad still being together

 These are just a few things that I am thankful for. God taught me today about the freedom I have in him. There are so many things in this life that we become a slave to. Our finances, habbits, shows we watch, food we eat, phones, and much more. These can all be your master if you let them be your master. But God taught me today that he offers freedom from all the things that try to make me become a slave to them. I just want to be a slave for Jesus Christ. I promise you that I am not perfect in any way and don’t know everything but what I do know is Jesus offers us the gift of freedom from out sins because all of those sins got nailed to that cross when Jesus hung there. God paid the price for us and I AM SO THANKFUL FOR THAT. Have you ever watched the passion of the Christ? Its a pretty graphic movie but I am glad they made it that graphic. Because that movie speaks truth. That is what Jesus did for you and I. Most of you that have watched that movie more than likely cried, closed your eyes, and/or felt so bad when you saw the seen of Jesus getting wipped and beaten. Or maybe it was the seen of Jesus carrying that cross up the hill to go hang on it. Jesus could have called for all the angels to stop what was going on but he did not because he loves us so much. Next time God gives you forgiveness for something just think about the price God paid to give you that forgiveness. Love God with all your heart, mind, and soul. He is not mad at you. He has already paid the price and cleansed your sin as white as snow. Will you trust in what God is calling you to do today? He will show you what he wants from you if you stop and listen to him.