Today was an amazing day at church. The message was over Acts 11. Our speaker spoke about how the early church would go out everywhere they went and spread the gospel. He explained that it is kind of like a camp fire. When you have a stack of wood that is burning then you take one piece of that wood and move it to another part of the ground, it can do one of two things can happen. The fire can burn out or the fire could start another fire and spread. He was using this analogy to explain to us that when a believer goes out into the world, we should spread the gospel everywhere we go. If we are not spreading the gospel then the fire (good news) will not spread. However, if we spread the good news to other people then they may come to know Jesus and tell others as well. This is how the christianity religion got started. A few people who were following Jesus started telling others about Jesus being the Lord over everything and many people were started following Jesus because the gospel was shared with them. I believe that we need more people who actually follow Jesus to start spreading the gospel to others wherever they may be. Also live your life like you are a follower of Jesus and others will see the joy of being a christ follower. I encourage each person who reads this blog to tell someone about Jesus this week and what he has done for you. You may be a little nervous at first but take that first step in sharing the gospel and the holy spirit will help you with the words. Thanks everyone and God bless!