This blog was written in 2010.

Tonight was a night full of the fire of God and the love of God. I was walking down the street just filming what happens on the street before I have to leave tomorrow for Malaysia. As I came to the end of the street I ran into the same children that were out on the street every night begging for money. I talked to them for a while, said a prayer for them, then off I went back down the street. I went a little further and this guy yelled out my name. He was the tuk tuk driver I had a conversation with for about 40 minutes last night. He remembered everything we talked about last night and told me that he prayed to Jesus last night. That was an exciting thing to hear from this guy because he was a Buddhist. I had a short conversation with him, we said our goodbyes, and I continued to walk down the street. I felt like God was telling me something about the prostitutes. As I continued to walk down the street with Chris we decided to go ahead and go back to the place we were staying at.  But then as I walked just a little further I felt like I needed to go talk to this guy that was sitting on the steps. So Chris and I went over to the steps, I sat next to the guy and Chris sat next to this little girl that was a beggar selling books.

                I talked to him for a minute then I realized it was the same guy that I talked to the other night about Jesus. This was the same guy who was telling me the other night that his mom knew Jesus but he did not want any part of it. I then just let the spirit speak through me. I was fired up and my adrenaline was pumping. About 20 minutes into the conversation I noticed myself flowing with words that I never thought I could flow with. He was still listening tonight but I could tell he was struggling with something. Therefore, I told him that I could see he was struggling with something and God would help him with that if he would let him. I was telling him that if he would take one step of faith towards getting to know God, then God would take two steps forward to reveal himself to him. Then I sensed that God was speaking to me about prostitution again. God straight up told me tell this guy to get out of the prostitution business. So I thought about it for about 3 minutes then the words flowed out of my mouth. “God is telling me right now that you need to get out of prostitutionâ€� I told him. Then he kind of looked away with a face of defeat. As the conversation continued he put his head down on his folded arms and looked like he wanted to cry. I kept telling him about Jesus then out of nowhere a guy that was sitting at one of the tables at the bar beside of us through his drink at Chris. He seemed pissed off so I went up to him and asked him what was going on. At first he told me it was none of my business but I told him that Chris was my brother and it was my business. Then he proceeded to say something to me but I did not hear what he said. I just walked away after that.


                I told the guy that was sitting on the steps that I was about to leave. But he stopped me and said will you please talk to my mom tomorrow. She loves to talk about Christ. I told him that I could not because I was leaving for Malaysia tomorrow but that his mom would love it if he went to her and talked to her about Christ. Right after that Chris and I left the streets because the guy that threw his drink was still pretty pissed off at us. He looked at us the whole time as we walked away.

                Later that night I believe I found out the reason behind all of went on tonight. The guy that was sitting on the steps was not there to drive anyone around in a tuk tuk. He was one of the people who oversee the street children. He was in charge of making sure they did their job and the money was being brought back to him. The kids don’t receive any of the money they collect from begging. They are forced to be on the streets begging so they are able to have a place to stay and food to eat. These kids have been sold into slavery basically. My theory about the guy that threw his drink at Chris is he is overseeing the managers on the streets. This process is not just kids begging on the street. It is a business that has employees, managers, and CEO’s.

                That was such a crazy fun experience. God was with me in many ways tonight. I thank God for protecting me and providing all of the words for that conversation!