Continued blog….  We asked him to lift his arm to see if God would put strength back in it while it was in the air. I ended up lifting his arm just to see if he was going to be able to keep it up but all I felt was dead weight in my hand. After about a minute I put his arm down back down.
After this I asked him to get up and walk. He told me he could not. The people around me said he sleeps in that chair because he cannot walk. So I laid off and we ended up saying goodbye to them.
At the end of that experience we did not see anything supernatural happen but we walked away from there believing he was healed. Then we went to the next house. At that house we prayed for a pregnant woman who has been told her baby will not live. We prayed life into that baby then we left believing God is going to allow that baby to be born and healthy when he/she is living on this earth.
We visited a few more homes praying for people then started walking back to the car. On the way back from the walk I looked over at the first house with the paralyzed man and he was up out of his chair walking inside with the help of his wife. Now I know they told me he could not walk earlier and now he was walking!! I told one of our contacts look that guy is walking. Then he told me yes he can walk sometimes. So I am not sure what was lost in translation when we were praying for him in the first place but it was amazing to see that guy walking into his house.

The most important lesson I learned from that day is that we all believe God can heal instantly. We also believe that God heals then spends time restoring the problem going on in people. My question to you is “DO YOU BELIEVE GOD CAN HEAL SUPERNATURALLY?”

I will have another story from the last couple of days coming to you soon.