This month the squad is all together in Phuket, Thailand. Our contact we are staying with work with women and children that are in need. One of the main ministries that we are focusing on this month is reaching out to prostitutes! I have been so excited for this month because God has told me for a while that I will thrive in Thailand. God has really given me a heart to do street ministry working in bars with men and women that need help. I have been in those bars struggling day after day in my past and I never ever had anyone come up to me and tell me about Jesus. I have had people hand me tracks in New Orleans while I was at Mardi Gras but I have never had anyone be real with me while I was in the bars. I want to make a change in this world and be as real as I can with people. I think it is absolutely amazing that God is sending us in the bars to work with these women this month.

There are probably over 200 bars on these couple of streets we are working on. I would also guestimate that there are over 1,000 prostitutes on this street. It is absolutely nuts! The ladies range from 18-40 and some of the ladies are not ladies by birth. The first night I went out to talk to these women I was able to talk to 6 girls. 5 out of the 6 girls really did not look like they wanted to be there. I asked one girl if she wanted to be there and she said no. The only reason most of these girls are in this sex industry is because they make good money and they need to take care of their families.

I will be going out to the streets to reach out Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. My street team partners for this month are Bethany, Carmen, Lacy, and Jordan. We are 13 hours ahead of central time in the United States. We go out from 8:00-11:30 p.m. Can you guys back at home and all around the world please be praying for my team and squad? It would be great for prayers to be lifted up while we are on the streets at night. I will be talking to a pimp most of this month. He is not a very nice guy. So please pray that God will protect me, provide the words in conversation, and give me a boldness of a lion. Pray that Gods spirit will be flowing through us and the conversations will go really well. Pray for us to build relationships with these girls and guys so they will feel comfortable around us. Pray for us to resist temptation because it is rampant on these streets. These streets are very dark and the devil is in the middle of the street controling all of this. There are so many more things you can pray for. Please let the spirit guide you to pray for us.

Thank you for all of your support! I am so blessed to have people supporting me with prayer, funds, and encouragement. I am still not fully funded so if you do want to support me with funds it would be much appreciated. I love all of you guys! Thank you for allowing me to come on this race. God is being so faithful to me and he is molding me from the inside out. If you need prayer please let me know and I will love to pray for you! Please pray for my friend Chad Burris. He has a brain tumor. I believe God will heal him so let’s all lift him up in prayer. Thanks and God bless!