Today I was going to go around to some churches to see if any of them could support me on my missionary journey. When I left the house, I headed out towards my destination and made it there. The first church I went to is one that I have been worshiping at on Monday nights for a while. I pulled into the parking lot and no one was there. Therefore, I decided to leave and go to the next church. I reached my destination, then talked to the secretary. She told me the missions pastor was not in but she gave me his card. So I left this church but before leaving I prayed about where I should go. I asked God to lead me where he wanted me to go. He told me to go to a specific corner about 45 minutes away from where I was, make a sign that said raising money for my mission trip and stand out there in the 104 degree weather. So I agreed and I went. I stood on the corner for about an hour and a half before a cop came up to me and told me I had to leave that corner. However, before getting kicked off of the corner,God blessed me $70 for my trip! While I was on the street corner I was listening to what God was saying to me. I feel like he has told me I will be fully funded and I trust that he will provide. Its kind of a hard thing to do when I have to raise $11,700 more but I am going to trust that he will provide. If you are reading this and you supported me on the corner today, I want to say THANK YOU so much for letting God use you today!